Golf sports and leisure
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OB SPORTS GOLF & LEISURE x WINTER 2016 l GEAR NUMBERS GAME n shot-tracking Devices proviDe essential analysis anD feeDback BY john phipps I f you're serious about improving your game, practicing more effectively, and be- coming a more skilled player, then there's one thing you seriously need: swing ana- lytics. And the following game trackers just may be the solution. Each one of these state-of-the- art, high-tech devices is designed to take your game to the next level by providing critical swing feedback, data, and insights. It's one thing to practice more often. It's another thing entirely to practice better swing habits. Let's face it, your practice time is valuable and it's worthwhile to make the most of it with a greater understand- ing of your swing and your game. Who knows? Maybe you'll see lower scores because of it. GAME GOLF SHOT TRACKING n How far do you typically hit your 8-iron? What club should you hit from 200 yards out? Now you can know all this information and visualize your game better than ever with the Game Golf Shot Tracking System. Shot by shot, Game Golf provides real-time shot tracking as you play a round of golf and records all your stats through club sensors and a light- weight belt monitor. Rather than just looking at your scorecard at the end of each round, you can now gain in- sights into what you need to do to start shaving strokes off your score. CLICK HERE FOR MORE. ZEPP SWING ANALYZER n With the Zepp Swing Ana- lyzer, practicing your swing at the driving range becomes an invaluable source for game-changing insights into your strengths and weak- nesses. Endorsed by top golf coaches around the country, Zepp measures the most im- portant aspects of your golf swing and offers 3D and video analysis that gives you instant feedback on club po- sition and biomechanics right on your mobile device. You can even compare your swing to that of the tour pros. CLICK HERE FOR MORE. ARCCOS GAMETRACKER n If one of your New Year's resolutions is to play better golf in 2016 then consider the Arccos Game Perform- ance Tracking System. The Arccos instantly provides you distances, data, and analysis for every shot you hit on the course. Using virtually weightless Bluetooth sensors that attach to the end of each club grip, the Arccos system tracks every shot and turns your iPhone into a GPS rangefinder, a live shot track- ing system, and a shot ana- lyzer to help you get a better understanding of your game. CLICK HERE FOR MORE.