OB Sports Golf & Leisure

Fall 2014

Golf sports and leisure

Issue link: https://digital.insidegolfmedia.com/i/384577

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l GAME IMPROVEMENT OB SPORTS GOLF & LEISURE x FALL 2014 x obsports.com SHORT GAME HOW TO CHIP IT CLOSE A PROPER ADDRESS IS THE KEY BY martin chuck J ack Nicklaus said that 90 percent of the success of a golf shot is determined by your address position. That is no different with chipping. In the video above, you will learn how to create great structure at address so you can deliver the club perfectly on short shots around the green. Through great mechanics, you'll develop exceptional touch and build confidence to hit these shots when the chips are down. › Martin Chuck is a PGA pro who operates the Tour Striker Golf Academy at The Raven Golf Club – Phoenix in Arizona. G olf demands a lot from the body. A good swing re- quires great coordination throughout a sequence of muscular contractions. This sequence results in an effi- cient transfer of energy to a small club face at the end of a long shaft that im- pacts a small ball and propels it toward a designated target. Without the body's abil- ity to generate, transfer, and stabilize energy during the swing, hitting the ball would be virtually impossible. Preparing and identifying how our body works, feels, bends, rotates, and reacts can help us enjoy the game – and daily life – a lot more. However, every time I go to the golf course I am shocked at how many play- ers I see go straight to the driving range and start hit- ting balls without doing any- thing close to a proper warm up to prepare their body for the task at hand. So, why must we perform a proper warm up? The truth can be told in a very com- mon rubber band analogy: It you take a rubber band and place it in the freezer for a few minutes it will lose its pliability. This is similar to what happens to the connec- tive and muscular tissue throughout our body when we are sedentary or inactive. Now, if we were to take that same rubber band and rub it between our hands for a minute, heating it up, it would be a lot more pliable. Same goes for the tissues throughout our body. If we warm up our core tempera- ture, and circulate oxy- genated blood throughout our body, we will be able to move more freely, efficiently and effectively. › Adam Huycke is the Director of Performance at the OB Sports Performance Club. WARM UP WHY IT'S VITAL TO GET LOOSE PROPERLY PREPARE THE BODY FOR THE TASK AT HAND BY aDam huYckE CLICK HERE FOR 5 MUST-DO WARM-UP MOVES!

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