Rancho Del Sol Golf Club

Rancho Del Sol Insider - August-September 2022

Rancho del Sol Golf Club in Moreno Valley

Issue link: https://digital.insidegolfmedia.com/i/1475195

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NEWS YOU CAN USE RANCHO DEL SOL LAUNCHING SKINS GAME ON THURSDAYS I f you have a knack for winning skins, now is the per- fect time to join the Men's Club at Rancho Del Sol. The golf course is launching a Men's Club Skins Game every Thursday at 9 a.m., beginning August 4. Green fees are $35, and for $20 you can enter the skins competition; for an additional $5 you can partici- pate in closest-to-the-pin contests. The green fee also includes a cart. CALL (951) 455-4545 to get involved, or sign up in the golf shop. THIRD RALLY AT RANCHO SERIES EVENT COMING IN SEPTEMBER T he Rally at Rancho, a series of four Profes- sional Disc Golf Association tournaments, will return to the Rancho Del Sol DiscGolfPark in September. Hosted by The Hyzer Project and the Inland Flight Club at Rancho Del Sol DiscGolfPark, the event will feature professional and amateur competition. This will be the third event in the series, and an exact date will be announced in August. CLICK HERE for more information about the series. NEW SIGNATURE DRINKS UNVEILED AT THE 19TH HOLE G olfers have a lot more to look forward to when they reach the 19th hole at Rancho Del Sol as the club has just unveiled a new line of signature cocktails for adults 21 and over to enjoy. Here's a look: > The On the Green ($12): Features Tito's vodka, Blue Curacao and lime juice. > The Breakfast of Champions ($10): Tito's vodka mixed with tomato, lemon and lime juice, spices, celery salt, and olives. > The John Daly ($13): Made with ice tea, lemonade at Tito's vodka. > The Tiger Woods ($13): Mixed with Ketel One vodka and cranberry and lemon juice. > The Sand Trap ($10): Includes a combination of Captain Morgan rum, Coke and lime juice.

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