Rancho Del Sol Golf Club

Rancho Del Sol Insider - March-April 2022

Rancho del Sol Golf Club in Moreno Valley

Issue link: https://digital.insidegolfmedia.com/i/1462447

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> C L I C K H E R E TO B O O K T E E T I M E S MEET THE TEAM TROPICAL TRIP Rancho Del Sol serves up a tasty Plantation Vacation T he Plantation Vaca- tion at Rancho Del Sol will transport your round to a much more tropical place. The drink is made with a base of Plantation 3 Stars Rum and Plantation Pineap- ple Rum, and includes a splash of lime juice, and a combination of orange and pineapple juice. Shaken over ice and topped with a float of Planta- tion overproof rum, the bev- erage is served with a lime wheel and cherry garnish. It's the ideal drink to cure any winter or summertime blues. THE 19TH HOLE u u u How long does aerification take? Normally, two to two-and-a-half weeks from start to finish, which includes aerification, topdres- sing, healing and clean up. u u u How does aerification improve course con- ditions? It allows for healthy grass and smoother putting surfaces. u u u What do you take pride in most with the course at Rancho Del Sol? The professional- ism with which every team member ap- proaches everyday tasks. u u u What is your favorite thing about the golf course? The greens. Our pure bent grass greens are smoother, faster and hold their line due to the finer blades of grass. u u u What would you like golfers to know about the golf course? That the maintenance team and management are working hard to bring Rancho Del Sol to optimum playing con- ditions. u u u What are three things golfers may not know about the golf course? The greens are new, we have amazing views, and soon we'll have a new clubhouse! continued from the previous pageā€¦

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